Sunday, August 3, 2008

At Last!

Today was the first calm, normal day with Gibby. Everything was okay when we got to the farm - his water bucket was still upright and half full, his cables were all functioning freely and Gibby looked and acted like a very happy dog. I took a packaged steak and potatoes dinner for him and he inhaled it, plus he had eaten all of the dry dog food I left for him last night - maybe he'll start putting on some weight soon.

The cats have abandoned their paths through Gibby's territory - his cat chasing is not a plus in his favor. I'm glad the cats are smart enough to avoid him, I was worried that they were so close to Rusty and so friendly with George that they might not be careful with a new dog - I'm glad I had no need to worry.

George and Gibby had a moment of friendliness today, but I was sitting right between them and I panicked - worried that I'd be caught in the middle of a dogfight - so I jumped, and that made them growl at each other. Maybe next time I won't be so foolish.

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